
Mindfulness AI

Sarah is a Digital Human that specializes in providing empathetic and anonymous support.
Discover a safe space to meditate, process emotions, and move for mental health.

Click to Talk

Put the Well in Wellbeing

Say Hello to Sarah, your personal AI companion designed to provide compassionate, judgment-free emotional support.

With Sarah, you can:


Share your feelings and thoughts openly


Ask questions and receive empathetic responses


Access mental health resources

Ask Her Anything

Sarah is here to listen and help you navigate life's challenges. Ask her for help with whatever is causing you stress or anxiety.

Ask questions such as:


"How can I feel less overwhelmed right now?"


"Can you conduct a mindfulness exercise?"


"Help me write a message telling someone how I feel."

Having problems speaking with Sarah? Click here  

Want to create your own AI?

Drop us your email for early access to our self-service platform.

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